Friday, September 7, 2012

My Brief Intro

The first post! and there was much rejoicing

My goals for this is to have a place to put out some information that I find to be particularly interesting, or to ask questions that im particularly interested in.
I would be interested in getting questions from random people, at least until it annoys me and I dont want to anymore.

About me: I am 32 years old. I feel like I am 18, maybe 17. I dont feel 32. Then I get around 18 year olds and realize how old I really am, but day to day, I feel like I've been 17 for going on 15 years now.

I question everything. I like to know why. I have no faith, but I want to. If I were to have faith it would have to be real. I couldn't pretend, it would be a huge disservice to true faith (if it really exists!). I find spiritual questions to be particularly fascinating, especially when considered with a solid scientific bias.

As you may have guessed by now, I am an atheist, and before you scream at me with frothing mouths "atheism requires just as much faith as religion does!" hold your horses. No it doesn't. I dont rely on "faith" to not believe in the floating spagetti monster living in the asteroid belt, just like I dont have faith in my belief that there is no God.

I was active duty Navy for 8 years. I was in the top 3% of the enlisted programs, the Navy Nuclear Power Program. If you are intelligent and really screwed up high school, I suggest it to you. I loved the first two and a half years of my enlistment, I re-enlisted for an additional 2 years and was an instructor at the Prototype for 2 years. I then was stationed on a fast attack submarine out of San Diego. I hated it. I was married (with two small children) at the time and really hated the long hours and time away from my family. I saw some interesting things and did some really cool stuff, but it was the low point of my life.

I got out of the Navy in late 2007, and spent a couple years being a stay at home dad, I loved what I was doing but was still unhappy. My ex-wife and I split in early 2010 and I went to Arizona with the kids to attend the University of Arizona full time. Thats a whole can of worms I wont get into.

I originally started with the intention of getting a dual Physics and Astronomy degree, but have switched to teaching physics with the intention of getting the astronomy degree, and going back to grad school once my children are in high school or college.

There is a whole lot more to me, I have an associates degree from Thomas Edison State College in Nuclear Engineering Technology, I love cats (and some dogs), I enjoy teaching, and tutoring, I am socially awkward, though I can fake it if I have to. I have a driving need to ask why. I like to have people think, not just exist but to question existence. I plan on adding a neat website at the end of most of my posts. Visit them, maybe you like it, maybe you dont. Either way, the day you stop learning is the day you die, no matter how many years your body continues walking this earth.

Click Me

Take a moment to look at it. Take it all in.This is a deep space view taken by Hubble space telescope. Every dot you see is an entire galaxy, not a star. Every single tiny dot, not just the big ones. Each of those galaxies can have billions of stars each. Think about this, dont just use it as mental floss. It would take 12,913,983 of these pictures to cover the entire sky. Thats almost 13 million pictures this size. Thirteen MILLION times the number of galaxies you see, each with billions of stars. We circle one star, and our nearest neighbor would take tens of thousands of years to reach with our current technology. If this doesn't cause you at least a moments pause then you didn't think about it at all, or have no soul, and should probably not ever visit this blog again.

Thats all for today.

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